Senate Intel Committee tells Trump administration to "preserve records" related to Russia

Now it starts......

A week before Flynn resigned, plans were delivered to him outlining a way for Trump to lift Russian sanctions

IT appears in this NYTs article all those that have been previously mentioned in the Steele dossier that the Trump WH and Trump declared to have been a total fake....

BUT this week IC confirmed portions of that report to have been very valid and true...

NOTICE...this is extremely now interesting about this so called back channel and Ukrainians are paying close attention to who was part of this so called back channel.....

Bizarre tale of Trump associates joining forces with obscure Ukrainian lawmaker to attack Poroshenko and aid Russia.

AND there are no Russian connections on this????

Ukrainian and some initial European comments are now coming in on this NYTs article
While Pence shakes Poroshenko's hand at MSC....

Trump is plotting a Russia-backed "peace plan" to oust him....

So this was the basis for the Trump and Bannon "grand bargain".....