Notice the comments concerning Manbij by the spokesperson for DoS yesterday.........

QUESTION: Mark, what’s the U.S. position towards the situation in Manbij in Syria? The American flag is flying there, there are more American troops in the area, and Turkey is threatening to enter the city, and the regime is preparing to enter – to go through the city too.
MR TONER: Sure. Well, I believe the Pentagon has already spoken to this in some tactical detail, and I would also – I would encourage you to speak to them directly about these kinds of movements on the ground. I think, broadly speaking, of course it’s a very complex environment around the area east of al-Bab. It’s a place where multiple forces, frankly, have converged – all with the intent to drive out ISIS. But I think when you’ve got multiple forces in such a small, confined space, we want to avoid any unnecessary or unintended escalation in what is already a very tense and dynamic situation.
So we are sending a message to all forces that are there on the ground to remain focused on the counter-ISIS fight and concentrate their efforts on defeating ISIS and not towards other objectives that may detract from the coalition’s ongoing campaign. So we want to keep the focus on the stated intent to destroy ISIS. The coalition is going to continue work in close coordination with allies and partner forces, again, with the focus on defeating what is a common enemy, which is ISIS.
QUESTION: A follow-up on --
QUESTION: One more on this, Mark.
MR TONER: One more, okay. Yeah.
QUESTION: U.S., Russia, and Turkish chief of staffs have met in Antalya today, and they will continue meeting. Is there a new coordination between the U.S. and Russia on the fight against ISIS and on the situation in Syria?
MR TONER: You’re talking about a meeting today – not sure what the date was – but between Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dunford, and he met with the chief of Russian general staff – the Russian general staff, as well as chief of the Turkish general staff. The purpose of the meeting, as I understand it, is to enhance senior-level military communications and improve operational de-confliction of our respective military operations in Syria. I’d refer you to DOD for any details, but my understanding of this is that it’s – it remains focused on de-conflicting.