^^Nearly fell of my chair when reading the article linked above^^: hard to believe, but this is one of perhaps a handful of similarly-sized pieces about Yemen I can completely agree with.

Really, 'well done'.

I already wrote to the author, adding I would be curious to read similar pieces on such topics like:

- status of diverse Yemeni tribal confederations;

- reality about supposed 'sectarian' war (propagated by Saudis, while, actually, there are plenty of Shafis fighting on the side of the Houthi-Saleh coalition, while at least as many Zaidis are fighting against that coalition - as for it); and then

- something about 'minute differences' (often of crucial importance) 'even' between different of local Salafist movements (which, in turn, are not to be mixed with AQAP or the Daesh).

I guess, especially the latter would be a true 'eye-opener' for many.