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Thread: Russian Info, Cyber and Disinformation (Jan-June 2017).

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  1. #11
    Council Member
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    Wikileaks Hands “Keys” to Putin’s Russian Hacker – Readers, Leakers#Tracked

    March 14, 2017

    Exclusive analysis by Laurelai Bailey, published by Patribotics this week confirmed that Julian Assange and Wikileaks obtained two new servers in Russia just one week before the hacked Podesta emails were released.
    Laurelai reported that the ultimate registrant of the servers was one Peter Chayanov, of Russia, a known cyber-criminal and hacker.
    Julian Assange has been identified by the US intelligence community as a front for Russian distribution and ‘deniability’ of Russian government-sponsored hacking. Today, however, as a result of our reporting on the dox by Op Ferguson, that link is far clearer.
    The internet is tightly controlled in Russia. Cyber criminals have to answer to Putin. Mr. Chayanov is the head of a firm called Hostkey, which hosts mail spammers and other malware and hacking tools, despite offering web space to Wikileaks. Wikileaks chose to use a Russian hacker to host their site – and they knew that he was connected to Vladimir Putin and operated with the blessing of Putin’s government.
    Putin and Assange are thus already linked.
    But it is much worse for Wikileaks – and the internet in general – even than it looks. In order not to bury the lead I will report what appears to be the conclusions of the web developers and hackers on Twitter discussing Laurelai’s story, and then report on how they appeared to have arrived there.
    * Wikileaks has handed Chayanov access to everything stored on its site and servers
    * The Russian hacker and spammer can ‘monitor traffic’
    * He can tell who is reading anything on the Wikileaks site anywhere in the world
    * The Russian hacker has access to all documents that have been sent to Wikileaks
    * He can probably bust the anonymity of any computer or user who thought they were anonymously donating to Wikileaks
    * It is not reasonable to suggest that this hacker is other than linked with Russia’s GRU – if he has it, they have it
    * Through Julian Assange and his website, it appears that the Russian hacker and his government can track any readers of the Wikileaks site and any donors of material to it, thus allowing Russia to ‘blackmail’ anyone who ‘sent secrets’ to Wikileaks as a ‘whistleblower’.
    I will update this story later in the day summarizing discussions among the hacker and developer community on Twitter that led to this bombshell conclusion.
    All of the above appear to be factual statements. It is not a fact that Russia did indeed monitor web traffic to Wikileaks, but it seems to be an absolute fact that if they want to, they can – and it seems, from the reaction of Mr. Chayanov upon being outed, almost totally certain that Julian Assange handed Russia the keys to the Wikileaks site deliberately.
    When Julian Assange wrote “Wikileak the Government” he apparently meant “Wikileaks is the Government (of Russia)”.
    A subsequent post will explore the further possibility that Peter Chayanov is also Guccifer2 – providing the materials that hacked the US election, as well as helping Assange and Wikileaks work with Putin to do so.
    His Linkedin says he works for the govt: Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 03-15-2017 at 02:44 PM.

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