Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
First daylight video confirms again: northern side of mosque collapsed; CENTCOM says it was not directly targeted.

"It was still standing when we left the area".....

US army airstrike on "al-Qaeda meeting" yday.
If they mixed up #Idlib & #Aleppo, did they also mix up AQ & a mosque crowded w/civilians?!..
They targeted two rooms at the front of the mosque, where - supposedly - around 60 HTS were meeting, supposedly including al-Mohasini.

Eventually, the bombs (seems Mk.82s were used) collapsed the entire side of the hall in which over 300 civilians were attending an evening prayer...

And, on the other side of Syria - a 'sovereign country with legitimate government' as Assadists love to say - the Israelis smashed another of top Hezbollah 'commanders'. Four fighter bombers bombed him somewhere in Palmyra area.

The 'professional and competent' (just citing from an official release) 'armed forces' of that 'sovereign country with legitimate government' then fired at least 1, probably more of SAMs in their direction.

Seems one of the SAMs in question flew in direction of the Jordan Valley in Israel - and was thus shot down by an Israeli Arrow 2 (I doubt reports about Arrow 3s being used).