This is the sort of conspiracy theories being batted around by the ultra right blog sites....this story is actually a "fake news article".....

There is an interesting concept behind this article...namely the pushing of the idea of bilateral agreements with individual a way to force those countries to cave to Trump..... is trying to smear Merkel with the lie of "fake news" which actually this article is a perfect example of....

Merkel Floats Fake News at Trump Presser: TTIP Deal is ‘Bilateral’
by Chris Tomlinson18 Mar 20171,815
In the first joint press conference between U.S. President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the German leader claimed that a trade deal between the U.S. and the EU would be like a trade deal between two countries.
Trade#was the topic of much of the press conference between the two leaders as President Trump#has made the subject one of the pillars of his administration. During the press questions, a reporter from German paper#Die Welt#asked Ms Merkel if she thought that a trade agreement between the EU and the U.S. would be multilateral or bilateral.
Merkel said and agreement like the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would be bilateral, indicating that she viewed the European Union as its own country, rather than a federation of countries.
“I believe that the president has clearly set out his philosophy as to what trade agreements have to bring about for the American side as well. I personally don’t think that Germany needs to negotiate and not the European Union.
“We’ve devolved our competences#to the European Union, so the European Union, or rather the commission, negotiates on behalf of the member states,” Merkel said outlining that it is the unelected commission of the EU, whose role it is to be at the table for trade deals.
“So that’s not going to prevent us from concluding agreements and indeed this would then qualify as a bilateral agreement between the EU and the United States if we had it,” she added.
“The question is will it benefit both countries or not?” she said.
President Trump has made it clear that he supports bilateral trade deals over multilateral deals that can often involve a dozen or more countries with different values and different economic interests.
One of the president’s first acts after assuming office was to scrap TTIP which, unlike Merkel, he did not believe was bilateral.
The view of Angela Merkel, that of pro-globalisation and of a centralised European Union, is being heavily challenged by countries like Hungary who wish to see reform in the union and more emphasis on the individual countries, than the central EU bureaucracy.
In April France will start the process of electing a new president and anti-mass migration candidate Marine Le Pen has already hit out at Merkel’s philosophy saying that she, like Trump, wants to put her country first and end the experiment of centralised supranational organisations like the EU. #A win for Le Pen would likely strike a huge blow for Merkel and her philosophy

HERE is the separate elements of "this fake news article".....

1. TTIP would have allowed the US to trade with the entire EU and the associated EU trade areas THUS opening THUS a marketplace of 500M consumers....WITHOUT a single tariff system....
2. TTP would have allowed the US to trade with 12 Asian countries with a total of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS without a single tariff
3. TTP would have kept the Chinese out of this trading zone...
4. No single EU member can negotiate a bilateral trade deal...the EU Commission negotiates for all 28 members as a single voice THUS the author fails to understand that in fact such a trade deal is signed by the EU Commission and then ratified by each nation state member.
THUS there is a single name on the deal as well as the US THUS the word bilateral truly fits...
5. While the author quoted Hungary NOTICE Hungary does not do extra deal trades and accepts all EU negotiated trade deals...

So while Trump supports bilateral trade as this author claims....Trump lost trade markets of over 1.8B consumers that US workers could have sold products to.....WITH NO TARIFFS on Us products AND FULL US financial services being allowed into 1.8B consumers....