Quote Originally Posted by Bill Moore View Post

Why Fake News Spreads: A Neurological Explanation
The explanation of why "fake news....conspiracy blogsites" and "trolls" working the social media side works so effectively.....is actually simple and straight forward but many tend to overlook it...

It appeals to our very own personal biases....the core problem is we Americans do not even know nor would admit our own biases as being the problem....

I was with a group of multiple different nationalities yesterday on a picnic along one of the many Berlin side canals and the conversation naturally got to Trump and his lies and twitter antics.....

A German turned to me and stated the following..."we accepted the many refugees even if concerned about their numbers simply because we understand what drove them to Berlin coupled with our own history"....you Americans when to comes to Muslims...Blacks...other minorities "simply voice your hate" ....and Americans are good at being vocal....

He used the word hate to mean your biases.........

BTW...years ago I was taught by one of the best interrogators in the world...a German intel officer out of WW2 who had fought mainly on the eastern Front and survived the war....who constantly stated....you must fully and completely understand your own biases before you can do this line of work and be able to sideline those biases when talking with people....

It is actually far harder at first but then one can in fact push them aside and view things in a neutral fashion...asking all the time the core question..."Why"????