Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
The German Federal Prosecutor is indicating that they are looking at the extreme right as those that fired the very well (professional) made IEDs that were well coordinated.....in their timing......the IEDs were designed to kill the entire team....so that means there is an extremely talented extreme right wing bomb maker in Germany somewhere or they came from outside Germany.....this is a total new development.....

Anschlag auf @BVB-Bus in #Dortmund: Laut @BILD wird auch im Umfeld von #Legida und rechten Hools ermittelt
A third letter has been received by German federal police.....

Letter sent to Tagesspiegel probably fake, authorities see rightwingers as likely behind BVB bus attack.

What many Americans do not know is the German radical right is just about if not more so violent than the extreme left...and many were former German military...