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Thread: Syria in 2017 (January-April)

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  1. #11
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    Azor...actually you response deserves this one last response......

    If you really are able to "see and understand" using my form of looking at the world from a ground reality....what we see today with the US political side and the sad performance of US MSM media even today actually which since the second election campaign of Bush and the Viacom takeover of say CBS...we are seeing the ultimate form of "corporate news"....and the dying of "true journalism as a profession"....

    Go back and review the airing of the CBS 60 Minutes by Dan Reuther on the Air National Guard days of Bush which cost Reuther his job and the firing of the team on that segment....even though now we know the facts were accurate and correct.

    Then look at the "Swift Boat" affair thrown at Kerry....which in reality was the really first "fakes news hit job" made in full public view and MSM did not even see it coming did it? instead they all piled on....

    What I miss from a lot of commenters is in the inherent understanding of the intertwining of external FP....internal politics..... and ground reality....

    Disinformation..propaganda...and fakes news though has undergone a major shift and has become a very hard "soft power" used by the Russians very effectively and still is against the US...and anyone that does not see that seriously heads their heads examined...

    Example...MSM has been bashing Trump then he fires a "Wag the Dog" set of TLAMS and suddenly the same MSM that was bashing him praise him....."suddenly forgetting he is under suspicion of "collusion" to put it in FBI speak"...and just maybe the attack is a deflection...WHICH some are now starting to in fact say....

    ALTHOUGH I have been posting the brutality of the Syrian war in full color for over two years...and where was MSM...nowhere to be seen....

    If Americans do not fully understand the interconnectedness of this very small planet made possible by the internet and technology....they are in serous trouble as the world is getting far more complex...hourly not the previous weeks it might take under the older forms of communications.

    How long did the debate on say even SWC go as it "is Syria even a strategic interest for the US when the answer was smack in your face and that daily as we see.....because now to resolve the entire ME set of issues the US must truly now resolve Syria..and that is strategic.....

    Until Americans wake up and realize that there has truly never been a sitting President in the first 100 days come under FBI/CIA/NSA and seven European intel service investigations for "collusion"....the first word used in a treason case by the FBI..go back and check the terms used during the 50s treason cases..

    You cannot now separate that from the ongoing total failure of any and I am serious anything that remotely looks like US FP.......

    You can see that in the German reporting now coming out about the Us Merkel visit....

    Trump asked her 11 times can the US do a trade deal with Germany...her response to him 11 times..."you cannot do it with us you must deal with the EU trade commission as it represents all EU members as a block...Trump then we will do it with the EU"..which he has constantly bashed....

    Trump evidently finally realized that his stand on free trade is getting both him and US nothing as his own team has discovered EU will not do separate bilateral trade deals...and Merkel showed Trump that he had missed out on a free trade deal that had no tariffs and also 400M customers of potential US products...suddenly he showing interest in TTIP just as his team finally is fully understanding the failures in their backing out of TTP.

    But again digression....all is interconnected politics national and international.....and Russia.....and that does include Trump.

    Right now the only serious problem the US faces is a resurgent in your face Russia which is though in some aspects a "near peer competitor"....the next near peer competitor is China but that can in some aspects be handled with very good diplomacy as the Chinese definitely do not want a war they just want to be on the world's political stage as an equal co speaker due to their size..economy and power which is fine.... directly and openly with it and it might surprise one...we have bashed them and bashed them into thinking we want their destruction...remember the "axis of evil speeches"...BTW I would think the same thing they do as well...

    But Putin is a total different political animal...he does want the "destruction of the US" and right now cyber and information warfare are his tools....

    So now I can pull back from posting.

    In some aspects it is sad I cannot post a lot of our work on Russian would shock the most devoted Trump voters in deep Iowa as well as yourself.

    But in some aspects maybe not if one goes back to the Kerry's "Swiftboating incident".....and the actions of Karl Rove and his merry band....who really showed this generation of Trump white nationalists how to run a propaganda election based on fake news and disinformation...

    BTW...take all the postings on Syria and Ukraine even those insignificant postings that you mention and you can build one great powerpoint briefing complete with battles...order of battle and air force capabilities and tie it straight into missed decisions made by the US WHs....historical research in near real time...never really seen before.

    It then becomes a great analysis tool...I deliberately parked a number of posted comments strictly for historical reasons as I know some will come back to them in the future...

    BTW...the perfect example of what I am pointing out on Trump...Trump's big thing is "currency manipulations" by China...EU and say Japan.....AND this threats to do something about it......

    Japan's Aso pushes back on U.S. call for scrutiny of currency moves

    BUT WOW..if one really takes a look at the US currency and how the Treasury Dept and the price of oil impacts the USD then Trump might in fact discover the US is the greatest currency manipulator going....

    In theory the Euro should in fact be under the value of the USD...and sit around 80-90 cents to the US dollar...but due to US oil pricing it remains higher than that at a steady 1.06 to a real high of 1.35 per Euro.......

    BUT behold..suddenly the Treasury is attempting to "talk down the USD" and it is settling now in the 1.04 to 1.06 ranges...

    So the US accuses others of "currency manipulations" BUT "talking down" does not count????.....Trump's constant tax break comments is the ongoing "talking down effort".....but wait that does not count as currency manipulation...?
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 04-23-2017 at 06:11 AM.

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