Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
AND here it comes....

Turkish demands in CENTCOM: Give us a place at Raqqa battle via Tell Abyad or they will force YPG to leave Tell Rifaat and Manbij by Euphrates Shield forces.

Surely CENTCOM did not see this coming did it????

Erdogan will tell Trump: Turkey ready to take Raqqa "We won't allow creation of terror corridor on our south border"

Raqqa will take 10-20K. There is no non-SDF force that big that will prioritize fighting ISIS.

Unbelievable: PUK, Gorran, KDP factions ... in Duhok provincial council blame PKK for Turkish attacks on Sinjar!!

So Turkey is getting consensus on the problematic PKK presence in Sinjar from the KDP, the PUK and the US, a big sign of what lurks ahead.
Azor...this is what both CrowBat,myself and a lot of others have been saying.

The assessment = taking #Raqqa immediately is more important than risking yrs of cross-border Turkey-#PKK war?

TAF/FSA now have approximately 10K plus available to fight and FSA wants to take the IS capital

But frankly speaking, any/all mitigation with #Turkey will determinedly fail, should the #YPG (as is expected) be the lead force for #Raqqa.

Trump's NSC is saying the US will need a Divison on the ground...