Quote Originally Posted by SteveMetz View Post
Several of the analysts who "work" for me (using a very broad definition of that term) are of the school that says, "Never say something using 10 words if you can think of 50." I'm the opposite.

Seriously, the book Write Tight by William Brohaugh changed my life. I implore anyone who writes to read it. I try and re-read it once a year or so.

As an analyst here I edit as much or more than I write. Favorite words or traits:

Conduct--we conduct more than the New York Symphony. As a result we put more emphasis on the"conduct" in our thinking than we do in what we are actually doing. Mission statements get longer and longer. As for commander's intent, pull up a couch, light a pipe, and prepare to wander.

IOT also spelled out "in order to" used as expanding filler for "to"

'ing on any verb. After readING too many 'ING words, my ears and my mind end up ringING and I cease thinkING.

And of course, passive voice because one should never identify who actually is responsible.

Favorite article on this subject: "The Caudal Appendage of the Domesticated Ruminant" by Horace Rundell, republished in Army magazine in 2006 or so as the "50 Years Ago in ARMY" entry.
