Quote Originally Posted by goesh View Post
Hillbillies and farmers were blowing stumps and cracking big rocks with a bag of fertilizer soaked in diesel and a stick of dynamite long before terrorists started making the news and long before McVeigh and AQ improvised.
Fertilizer nearly leveled Texas City, TX.

When someone in Texas City mentions "The Explosion," no explanation is necessary. Everybody in the city knows what happened on April 16, 1947. Many remember it firsthand. That cool spring morning when a ship blew up in the port on Galveston Bay. The blast took nearly 600 lives and millions of dollars in property, and it scarred the town. A half-century later, people in Texas City celebrate their recovery, but still mourn their loss.

Texas City Disaster: Look at the propeller! The anchor was found a half mile away buried in the ground.