Can someone explain to both the US AG and Representative Nunes exactly what the term "Recusal" means....

Nunes is under invesitagtion for ehtnic violations in revealing classified information.....

Sessions even though recused from the Russian investigation was participating directly in the firing of the FBI Director who was investigation Trump and possible Russian connections....

Nunes is also still reviewing Russian intelligence when he is supposed to be "recused".....

The former head of the House Russia investigation, Rep. Devin Nunes, is continuing to review intelligence relating to Russia, a move that has Democrats grumbling that he has violated the spirit of his recusal.
Nunes, a California Republican, took a trip to the CIA this week to review Russia intelligence, according to House intelligence committee sources. As word of Nunes trip trickled out among lawmakers this week, it angered Democrats who thought that they had moved past the chaos spurred by Nunes' coordination with the White House.