In a commentary on President Trump's overseas tour The Soufan Group say:
Bottom Line Up Front: • On May 19 President Trump will embark on his first trip abroad since taking office.
• The administration has billed it as an attempt to unite three of the world’s great religions in the fight against terrorism and ideological extremism.
• The effort to achieve a degree of unity in purpose among America’s allies in the Middle East comes at a critical time in the lifespan of bin Ladenism.
• Nothing has done more to preemptively undermine the success of the President’s first trip abroad than the endemic culture of scandal in U.S. domestic politics.

(They conclude with) As the ability of the U.S. government to craft and execute complex, long-term policies is increasingly called into doubt over domestic political turmoil, there is a real risk that the U.S. will come to be viewed as an unstable and unreliable partner, diminishing its influence abroad.