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  1. #1
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    Trump says never said "Israel" in mtg with Lavrov, thus appearing to confirm Israel as source of sensitive intel he shared with Lavrov

    Trump accidentally confirms source of classified intel he gave to Russians
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 05-22-2017 at 06:18 PM.

  2. #2
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    Alex Jones of Infowars claims Sandy Hook is a hoax.

    Donald Trump just gave his organization a WHITE HOUSE PRESS CREDENTIAL.

    Infowars is not a true journalistic media outlet...rather a proTrump alt right ie white nationalist conspiracy theory pushing blogsite that often quotes Russian propaganda trolls....

    Currently pushing the FOX News fakes news Seth Rich story which has been even quoted in the Russian Sputnik and RT media outlets....

    Interestingly at the Jones divorce hearing recently in Houston TX Jones claimed he was not a journalist but rather a "performance artist"???????

    Jerome Corsi and Info Wars: I saw his pass. It's a temporary day pass almost anyone who publishes can get
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 05-22-2017 at 06:42 PM.

  3. #3
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    Trump asks Comey if he can now end the Flynn investigation after he was fired and now this confirmation....that he approached both the Directors of National Intelligence and NSA to issue statements to push back on the FBI investigation of his possible ties to March.

    Current and former senior intelligence officials viewed Trump’s requests as an attempt by the president to tarnish the credibility of the agency leading the Russia investigation.

    A senior intelligence official said that Trump’s goal was to “muddy the waters” about the scope of the FBI probe at a time when Democrats were ramping up their calls for the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel, a step announced last week.

    Senior intelligence officials also saw the March requests as a threat to the independence of U.S. spy agencies, which are supposed to remain insulated from partisan issues.

    “The problem wasn’t so much asking them to issue statements, it was asking them to issue false statements about an ongoing investigation,” a former senior intelligence official said of the request to Coats.
    AND that is not potential obstruction of an ongoing FBI investigation by the WH????
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 05-23-2017 at 05:54 AM.

  4. #4
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    Two social media journalists story after story have been correct on the FBI investigation of possible Trump and Trump advisors connections to Russia...which as confirmed by doJ briefings to Congress include the following....Russian collusion, criminal charges probably money laundering and coverup.

    Mike Flynn Turns on Trump, Talks To FBI

    Multiple sources with links to the intelligence and law enforcement communities say that Lt. Gen Mike Flynn has turned on Donald Trump, and has already had at least one lengthy interview with the FBI.
    General Flynn has not been offered a deal as of yet, these sources say. They indicate that as of this writing Flynn has not been arrested. He would likely be offered a chance to surrender himself, sources report, when that time comes.
    Sources with links to the Justice Department indicate that General Flynn has already been indicted. On Twitter, Claude Taylor exclusively reported#on May 14th that an indictment against Flynn had been returned by a Grand Jury and that this indictment was sealed. I can further report that Flynn’s indictment is thought to be for#his failure to register under FARA, the Foreign Agents’ Registration Act, for his lobbying#for Turkey. Reporting by NBC of Grand Jury subpoenas in an investigation for which Flynn is the subject, sources say, cover separate offenses of Mike Flynn’s that are linked to Russia. These are being investigated under prosecutors at the Northern District of Virginia, with an attorney accustomed to handling espionage prosecutions.
    Sources believe that General Mike “Misha” Flynn, to give him the Russian nickname he awarded himself when picked up by British intelligence committing treason in Cambridge, England, panicked when he heard that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had been appointed to head the investigation into Trump’s collusion with Russia.
    Mike Flynn may also have interpreted Donald Trump’s text to him, ‘Stay Strong,’ on the day the subpoenas for evidence in the ongoing case against him were announced, as a threat. Sources believe that Flynn informed the FBI, and multiple other persons, of Trump’s text himself.
    Separate sources with links to the intelligence community confirm our earlier reporting on how Mike Flynn co-ordinated Russia’s propaganda attack on the West on behalf of Trump, giving advice across Europe to far-right parties linked to the Russian state. These include, but are not limited to, UKIP, Marine Le Pen in France and a far-right party in Austria. Flynn regarded himself as a partisan of the Russian state, and his assistance in Russia’s messaging was not limited to hacking the American election, but in trying to boost Nazi ideology and Putin allies right across Europe. These sources state that Gen. Flynn could receive the death penalty for espionage for these activities, if charges are brought on the matter and he is found guilty.
    Flynn is being decommissioned, sources say, meaning that he is telling the FBI what he knows. This is clearly very bad news for Donald Trump and all those around him who colluded with Russia. It may be particularly bad news for Vice-President Mike Pence, who is attempting, with little success, to disclaim knowledge of Flynn’s collusion with Russia.
    Interestingly enough both Le Pen of Front National and Farage of UKIP both ultra right wing European parties appeared in Trump Tower for conversations with Trump almost immediately after his election....

    AND Trump virtually tweeted support for Le Pen shortly before the French election.

    TRUMP close to choosing outside counsel for Russia investigation

    Breaking News: Michael Flynn misled Pentagon officials about foreign contacts and income, a top House Democrat said
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 05-23-2017 at 06:35 AM.

  5. #5
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    The president told a room full of Israelis that he "just got back from the Middle East":

    Last time I checked Israel is in fact in the ME.......or is the Jewish State in an altered reality of the ME?

    Ted Lieu‏
    Verified account
    #As a Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I can confirm on the record that Israel is in the Middle East.

  6. #6
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    Laurence Tribe‏
    Verified account
    To say a sitting POTUS can't be judicially tried & convicted isn't to say a P can't be INDICTED, a step that could lead to House impeachment

    Top Harvard Law Professor for Constitutional Law

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