Three of the better commentaries today; being a very topical subject their content is wide at times.

On information sharing, which starts:
It’s not the first time sensitive information about an ongoing British counter-terrorism investigation has leaked out in US media but, make no mistake, the decision to stop sharing information about the Manchester attack with America is unprecedented. In July 2005, I was the Head of News at Scotland Yard and strategic communications lead for all blue light services in the aftermath of the 7/7 bombings.

How many times did those around the bomber tell the authorities? Which starts with:
he was repeatedly flagged to the authorities over his extremist views, but was not stopped by officers, it emerged Wednesday night.

Finally the always sane Richard Barrett, ex-MI6 & UN, takes a wider view and asks is our strategy really working; from near the end:
Preventing future attacks will be as complex as preventing past ones. It gets no easier. But one thing is for sure. The answer is not more bombs and bullets. We have been trying that for almost 16 years with little or no improvement to show. In fact, it is indisputable that the terrorist threat is now more serious than it was before the 9/11 attacks.