
As the former editor of LIC&LE, there are on-line versions available from the publisher, Taylor & Francis, but they do not include all volumes. I am not sure when the journal became available in electronic version but it was sometime after 2000.

As to your query about LIC, COIN, etc: My view is that the best term embracing all aspects of what is often called LIC is Small Wars (and it's not perfect). Insurgency and COIN are simply two forms (or 2 faces of the same form) of small wars but there are many small wars that are not insurgencies.

The post of the USMC list of small wars is pretty good although some cases were not included because they were interstate wars while other interestate wars (Chaco War for instance) were. And, in Africa, the classic Zulu War was not.

Hope this is of some use.



PS T&F wants money for their electronic versions
PPS LIC&LE has been incorporated into its sister journal, Small Wars & Insurgencies - same publisher