The Battle Over Bunkerville: The Bundys, The Federal Government and the New Militia Movement.

It was the largest armed uprising against the federal government in a generation. Armed militiamen from across the country rallied to the aid of a Nevada ranching family and forced federal agents to back down. But that was only the beginning.
This is a short e-book produced by Frontline, it only takes a few minutes to read it. In some respects it reminds of the Arab Spring, note I said some respects. People fed up with what they saw as overreach by the federal government combined with social media led to a rapid mobilization that overwhelmed security forces. This all starts with turtles. Continuing development that led to the expansion of Las Vegas led to the endangerment of a particular species of turtles. This in turn led to federal lands in the area that were previously used by ranchers to become protected areas. This move forced several ranchers out of business, but Bundy and his family decided to fight back.

During an initial verbal confrontation with law enforcement a federal agent tasered Bundy twice, and this was captured on video (YouTube) and went viral overnight. Federal law enforcement said this is what led to the category five hurricane. While the feds expected some local resistance, they did not expect hundreds of armed militia from around the country to show up, and eventually win the confrontation with law enforcement (a tactical win for the militia, due to a wise strategic move by the feds to withdraw to avoid unneeded violence).

As the e-book explains this was just the beginning, although Bundy was arrested later, the militia continued (maybe continues to) to coordinate operations in other locations that they thought the federal government was overreaching. One couple that stayed at the Bundy's ranch, went to Las Vegas and killed two police officers and a civilian before they were killed.

Overtime I'll post more, because this isn't the same militia movement we saw in the 90s, the character of it has changed. Actually this article in The Guardian does a good job of capturing that.

They hate the US government, and they're multiplying: the terrifying rise of 'sovereign citizens'