Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Notice the tone of leadership towards Putin..distinctly missing with Obama and now Trump...

At press conf w/ #Putin, @EmmanuelMacron says use of chemical weapons in #Syria is a 'red line' that will trigger 'retaliation' by #France

The face you make when your hacking made an important friendly country into a hostile one.

Macron lays into Russian media "lies" during campaign. Next to Putin. Haven't seen him that angry since Le Pen debate
At press conference w/Putin, France Pres Macron says he raised cyberhacking, calls RT & Sputnik "agents of influence" that spread lies

Trump still believes it was 400 lb kid on a bed with a laptop and or the Chinese....

Putin on EU sanctions: I call on French media to fight against all trade barriers. Only with fair competition can world economy develop.
Translated..means get me out from out under the Crimea and eastern Ukraine sanctions please.....

Macron calls for "Normandy 4" to discuss war in Ukraine ASAP. What's new: OSCE is to provide report on what's happening on ground.
Macron and Merkel messaging is coordinated. "America is no more--for now."