Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
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Either by accident or planned Bill has placed his finger on something I just keep posting and posting and posting.....

America has the ability "to drift into fascism with a smile" what you saw with this single event was the tip of the iceberg and it has been drifting just under the surface since Oklahoma City...

While we as a nation get literally all worked up about jihadists we have failed to see that we have among us "white jihadists" who are supported by an ideology most of us would think crazy. From black copters to federal surveillance of everything we do to hating of IRS....and the list goes on....

Why do we after every single US jihadist attack think we have a network behind it AND then somehow sweep the McVeigh Oklahoma City attack under the rug as the work of two lone wolves.....

A 4000 lb chemical bomb using fertilizer and diesel fuel has to be mixed by hand so these two guys just mixed and mixed and mixed and yet no one saw it happen....

So as in the Sunni jihadi world no one made the bomb and then simply delivered it....?

We as a nation never really fully demanded a complete and thorough investigation into the attack...why....no one wanted to place any belief into a possible right wing side being potentially involved even though concrete leads were apparent....we were "sold" the story..we have captured all participants...BUT we demanded a Congressional investigation in 9/11 and Benghazi but never did for OC......

There was also an underlining thought why it did not go further...."Americans could not possible kill other Americans"....BUT in the world of terrorism the ultra right attacks objects that stand in the place of the "government" and OC was just such a target....

Secondly, these armed militia elements literally took off with the election of Obama....check the yearly FBI stats...and it ties into the last eight years of "Obama is going to take your guns away from you mantra"....BTW did we not see than same mantra used by Trump at virtually all of his rallies and did he not once "allude" to using the 2nd Amendment to resolve the Clinton problem????

Actually this movement has been with us since 1970...it developed out of the "blacks are going to revolt and we need to defend ourselves" which grew out of the "blacks are getting more benefits from the government than do whites" which came out the Johnson anti poverty campaign...and civil rights era....

THEN we can jump forward to the Trump campaign that unleased a massive barrage of ethnic profiling and allowed the US ultra right fringe groups to gain "creditability" ie white nationalists and white surpremacists....who did in fact support Trump and believe that support allows them the right to do what they want...against anyone non white...

See Portland this week with the killing of two men who intervened in a white surpremacist verbal attacks on two Muslim females...and whose twitter account beams with praise for the KKK, US Nazi Party and Trump....

What is not being mentioned is .....check the racial and ethnic make up of the group involved all white....and I am betting all Trump voters....

Notice many outside of this area and not into cattle and farming do not realize the vast amounts of land the federal government has under its control...BUT WAIT gazing on this federal lands is actually far cheaper than having to purchase grazing land in those areas and the federal yearly grazing costs are cheap....and there was an outrage when they were raised last year which was a normal process...it has always for this ranching and farming group just been considered a cost of production and a cheap cost at that.

We can debate who actually owns all of this land and some Native Americans might like to reclaim it....as it was taken from them to begin with under various US government so called peace treaties...but that is another story.

Protecting an endangered species is not a subject this group ever wants to hear....but when asked if they realize the extent the government goes through to protect them on federal property they might be surprised....

If they would see a US Army Abrams on the full top speed barrelling across the NTC come to total stop because a desert turtle was just spotted and then having to wait for a turtle recovery team to arrive...they might have another opinion....

OR the time the NTC spent 2M USDs on a study to determine if they could move several turtle groups to a new area and discovered that it is not that easy after all 24 turtles decided to meander back to their original areas after being moved ever so gently 24 miles to a new location...and they all had GPS.

OR when Ft. Bragg shuts down firing ranges because a of protected woodpecker.....

Turtles are just an excuse to stand up to the "government" and these militias are now a serious growing threat to the government...and why...driven by social media....

By the way these militias if one really researches them stem from the US wide KKK political movement of the late 20s early 30s that the FBI shut down as it was seen as a right wing white surpremacist threat to the government...and then if one digs deeper into the Reconstruction Era of US history...

But again a serious thread that should be pushed and followed up on as this problem is only going to grow...
Azor....I keep going back the "right attempt to reverse the social gains made in the 30s and 60s using the smokescreen of "rolling back the influence of leftists".....

Why does the "right attack" "civil rights" as if it is this evil "leftist conspiracy"....Why is there a drive to turn back US society to the 30s...valid question is it not ALL using the smokescreen of it's because of the left

How the White House plans to minimize civil rights efforts for students, minorities and the elderly

The push to cut budgets for civil rights divisions across Cabinet departments reflects the view within the Trump administration that Obama officials exceeded their authority in policing discrimination on the state and local level.


OR the Texas example of a Republican Congressman calling ICE because local students were demonstrating in his town meeting discussing the Trump Muslim Ban and they looked "like illegal Mexicans in the state of TX that has a high legal rate of US Mexican citizens.....

So if you look "illegal" Republicans call ICE because these students are what "leftists" not just normal Americans standing up for their civil rights????

BTW the US image even in UK has taken a serious hit under Trump.....in London there was a sign outside a well known coffee shop which stated...."Americans only allowed with adult supervision"