just how do you explain the Trump "influence on the alt right"????

NOTICE just how Trump a supposedly descendent of a German continues his German bashing.....

Donald J. Trump‏
We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military. Very bad for U.S. This will change

LAST time I checked Germany is not about to change simply for Trump.....

WHAT is far more interesting is then the proTrump trolling that kicks in on
is tweet from a known white nationalist.

Mike Tokes‏
John Podesta should be in jail.
Hillary Clinton should be in jail.
The evidence provided by wikileaks is overwhelming.

Please investigate the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich. Intimidation has been used to silence anyone talking about it. Liberal fascism...

The portland killer was a left wing Bernie supporter who wanted to kill trump voters.
These are not alt-right events.
BUT WAIT he was verbally abusing two female Muslims and the two he was a Republican Iraqi vet....

Meanwhile you have Antifa, a left wing domestic terrorist organization inciting violence and rioting in your city yet you do NOTHING. Shame!

Congressional democrats are trying feverishly to bury this story. @OANN has wiped its website clean of reports on Seth Rich #ExposeTheLeft

The fake news media is nothing more than a globalist propaganda outlet.

WHAT this account does not mention is that the Antifa which is a left term for "Antifascist movement" which originally came out of Germany is a loose group who confront neo Nazi's and known US fascists whenever they demonstrate.....AND WHAT he did not mention was that two days before this killing the so called Bernie Sanders "leftist" supporter was actually participating in a "Free Speech and Proud Boy" rallies..both of these groups are known white nationalist groups...