It is interesting that both the Republcian Party in Congress and Trump and the entire Trump WH tries to deflect from the FBI Russian investigation....

Russian Propaganda works on the 6Ds Principle.....

Deflect....Distort...Distract...Dismay....ALL designed to create Doubt and Distrust....

Knowing the above 6Ds what is Trump using in this particular tweet of his?????

Donald J. Trump‏

The big story is the "unmasking and surveillance" of people that took place during the Obama Administration.


FIVE out of the 6Ds.....

IMPORTANT..this same exact "myth" theory was pushed by FOX News which was forced this week to admit the story was indeed "FAKE NEWS"

NOTE this tweet also is a major indicator that both Trump and the Republican Party in Congress do not know understand the classification and declassification process of NSA and the entire IC...