Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post

@CNN reports @SenFranken & @SenatorLeahy asked #FBI to investigate SESSIONS for meetings w/#Russia at #Mayflower + others

BREAKING: Senators asked Comey to investigate whether AG Jeff Sessions committed perjury

Almost immediately after this request for the FBI to check for Sessions possible perjury Comey was fired by Trump

REMEMBER Sessions lied about his meetings with the Russian US Ambassador during his Senate hearings THUS he recused himself from the Russian investigation reach he has not actually done....

NOW it appears that he also lied to the Senate about these meetings as well....

REMEMBER when asked specifically by Sen. Franken "have you had any meeting with Russian officials...he stated no" ....Franken repeated the same exact question a second time to avoid any confusion and the answer was again "no".......

WHEN confronted..."suddenly he remembered something and then he stated he had misunderstood the question"...

REALLY...misunderstand a clear and concise question????
NBC News: FBI & Congress are examining campaign event where Trump, Sessions, Kushner met w/ Kislyak, other diplomats