Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
From a 2016 post by Outlaw09: From the archives: the Soviet military strategy of maskirovka dates back decades:http://warontherocks.com/2016/05/a-d...ling-red-army/

From AdamG in 2016: Maskirovka’ Is Russian Secret War

Sneaky tactics are an old Russian tradition:
Russia, however, has a history of operating with a more complete inclusion of elements of political power and influence as well as Operational Art that ties combined arms to campaign objectives.# It is so important to Russian doctrine, they have used and continue to use the term, Maskirovka—the art of deception—to elevate the complete set of actions and conditions that fall short of war that enables battlefield victories to be decided before tanks and infantry close in battle.# It is Maskirovka, and the complementary technological changes to the character of warfare now and in the future, that make Russia the significant resurging threat to regional stability, NATO, and the U.S.#