A local newspaper report, based on a Greater Manchester Police press release, clears some of the "smoke" and initial reporting that the attack was a sophisticated operation by many people. For example:
The 22 people arrested in relation to suspected terrorism offences have been released without charge - two of them shortly after arrest.
The remaining 20 were interviewed ‘many times’.....“Some of those arrested and now released have offered accounts which explain innocent contact with Abedi and we are, at this time, satisfied with these explanations. However, this has taken a considerable amount of time to work through to ensure we are satisfied and that the risk to the public has been considered."

Or a podcast by NW CTU's head (regional CT unit):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yH4Buc45KU

A rather odd story IMHO from Tripoli, Libya by the BBC:
The bomb attack in Manchester last month which killed 22 people was being planned since December, security officials in Libya have told the BBC.Salman Abedi was being watched in Libya more than a month before the attack.Officials in Tripoli have complained about poor security co-operation with the UK, which they say must be improved to prevent further attacks.

This does rather sound like "spin" after the event.