Quote Originally Posted by Azor View Post
Thus, I know my Outlaw!

1. It would seem that your answer is to censor the internet and social media so as to prevent foreign powers from influencing Americans, no?

2. You actually have no means of proving how meaningful Russian influence operations were on the election. Nathan Silver's and FiveThirtyEight's polling indicated that the damage to Clinton's campaign came in September and October 2016 when she made the "deplorables" remark, and then when Comey sent the infamous letter to Congress. The most damage WikiLeaks did was prior to the Democratic National Convention, when it released evidence of Clinton and the Democratic Party colluding to undermine Sanders' campaign for the nomination.

3. Many Americans have long disliked and distrusted Hillary Clinton, and she herself was convinced of a "vast right-wing conspiracy" against her as far back as the late 1990s. No agents of the Kremlin were required for #Benghazi, #VinceFoster, #Pay-for-play, #WeCameWeSawHeDied, #ProudlyDeplorable, etc. I see that you are attempting to conflate Russian intelligence, which is obviously foreign, with the "alt-right", which is clearly domestic.

4. Citizens United benefited Clinton more than any other candidate, particularly as she had the support of American financial institutions and unions, whereas Trump was unable to gain the support of the Republicans' usual financiers.

5. I know you will keep track of the "dark money" for the rest of us. The Gulf Arabs have given many millions to the Clintons in the form of "donations" and speaking fees, enabling Clinton to build up her public profile in advance of 2016. Perhaps their malign foreign influence "hacked" your absentee ballot?

6. Lastly, Hillary Clinton did not "win" the election. She lost. The election is won by the candidate who secures the most electoral college votes, which was Trump. Thank you for playing.
Azor..get real...I can track specificially a single key Russian tweet from St. Petersburg straight into Infowars to Breitbart to Fox and then into EIGTH different alt right blogsites claiming to be "News sites" and then in recent interviews in that specific area where they were targeted and I can you statments from those Trump supporters that were interviewd that ...

1. they voiced great distrust MSM and
2. get their "News" from Infowars and Breitbart...as those sites "do not lie"

Secondly I can track for you three key porTrump alt right white nationalists that were actively busy speading hacked Marcon data via Wikileaks straight into the Le Pen campaing twitter links creating the echo chamber effect that Trump was a massive supporter of Le Pen.....

Now here is the catch...you can "win" the electoral college BUT if the results are in fact "tainted" is it a true win that can in fact be challegned in SC...REMEMBER there is in fact a precdent for asking the SC for an election results review....

THAT will be the interesting question being raised by SC Mueller in the coming months....

BTW...you will notice that I posted the last Trump campaign FEC Report indicating spending of 202m USDs....

You if you dig deep into the previous FEC reporting periods WILL not find in flowing contributions of 202M USDs..so where did the money come from....EXACTLY what SC Mueller is asking today....

AND if you paid close attention to the 13 lawyers that have been hired ALL have massive prosecution backgrounds in money laundering and Russian mob trials......

Source with knowledge of Trump Russia says investigators have watched them in real time try to cleanse records of evidence/connections.

DOJ’s Weissmann Joining Mueller’s Russia Investigation Team, Sources Say

Andrew Weissmann oversaw VW, foreign bribery, bank cases
Wilmer’s Rhee also said to be joining Mueller-led group