Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
Not unexpected, but this Iranian action has several points of note; notably the IRGC use of SSM launched from Iran to hit ISIS targets in Eastern Syria:

The Syria threads IIRC show that ISIS has not been the focus of the Iranian-supported coalition; will that now change after the Tehran attack?
I don't think so.

I believe that the Iranian strike was not for the benefit of Daesh. Given Iran's presence on the ground in Iraq and Syria, with the IRGC operating along with Iraq's PMUs and effectively leading the Syrian "National Defense Forces", why would Teheran have waited until after it was attacked to make a significant strike against Daesh?

No, the missile strike was to signal Iran's resolve to the United States and to Pakistan. The latter has been the traditional sponsor of Sunni Islamists in Iran, and yet its sponsored groups were curiously quiet during Obama's tenure, despite the Iranian-inflicted carnage in Syria. Perhaps Trump has greenlit Islamabad to set Iran ablaze?