From the Jamestown Foundation:

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 14 Issue: 84
By: Pavel Felgenhauer


A series of military incidents involving the United States, Russia, and their allies in Syria and the Baltic region have additionally hurt already strained US-Russian relations. As sign of its acute displeasure, Moscow canceled high-level talks between Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov and US Undersecretary of State Thomas Shannon, which were planned for June 23, in St. Petersburg. Ryabkov lambasted the US for adding 38 individuals and organizations to its list of sanctions “as a political gift” to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, who visited Washington this week (June 20) and met with President Donald Trump at the White House. According to Ryabkov, “There is nothing to discuss fruitfully with Washington today.” Ryabkov accused the Trump administration of supporting “the party of war in Kiyv” and of “following the lead of prominent Russophobes in the US Congress” (, June 21). The cancelation of the St. Petersburg round of Ryabkov-Shannon talks calls into question plans for the first face-to-face meeting between Trump and President Vladimir Putin, on the sidelines of the upcoming (July 7–8) G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.
The Russian Foreign Ministry expressed displeasure over:

  • The shooting down of the Syrian Su-22 on June 18
  • The US base near al-Tanf, with special forces and HIMARS artillery
  • The shooting down of two Iranian UAVs
  • The bombing of pro-Assad armored columns (twice)

However, Russia has not attempted to hold U.S. aircraft operating around al-Tanf at risk...