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Thread: Russian Info, Cyber and Disinformation (Jan-June 2017).

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  1. #1
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    Azor...notice anything...neither of these articles actually attempt to counter the recent Washington Post article on the Russian hacking under Obama....

    NOR do they address the following....AND in the midst of proTrump pundits and writers attempting to defend Trump they never seem to attack the Wapo article plus the four below....not a single attack...strangely silent is theri motto...

    The IC has intercepted Russian hackers discussing getting Clinton's emails and sending them to Michael Flynn.…

    The RNC paid a firm with "intelligence connections in Russia" to try to find dirt on Hillary Clinton.…

    Article contains 12 names including Trump, his family and his close associates...AND the following sentence.....
    "I have now been granted permission and even encouraged to report everything relating to allied intelligence on Trump Russian suspects".

    EXCLUSIVE Reince ‘Wanted to Run’ – NATO SIGINT on Trump’s Treasonweasels PART 1

    In the wake of the Washington Post’s naturally, and commendably, guarded exclusive on Vladimir Putin’s direct ordering of the Russian attack on Secretary Hillary Clinton, we offer readers a short guide to what sources with links to the intelligence communities of more than one Western nation and sources with links to the Justice Department report that allied nations possess in terms of SIGINT, or Signals Intelligence, on various suspects in the Russian hack of America.
    This guide is intended to be a report on what we know and is not exhaustive. Doubtless there is a lot more out there from allied and enemy nations to the West that we do not know of.
    Donald Trump:
    Countless intelligence agencies, mostly hostile, hacked Trump’s insecure Android phone. The British, Ukranians and Germans all have recordings of Carter Page in Moscow offering treason for hacking, and recordings of Page playing the tape of Donald Trump for his Moscow paymasters, wherein Trump promises unspecificed (to us) shifts of policy in exchange for hacking help.
    As I reported exclusively at Patribotics, this tape was discussed with Sergei Kislyak by Trump, Manafort, Page and Epshteyn. As I further reported, Sergei Kislyak’s phone was ‘hot miked’ through an SS7 exploit by a Five Eyes nation for a portion of last year. By request, I am withholding the nation and the amount of time that Kislyak’s phone was recording all those with whom he came in contact*. #I will report on exactly how each nation holds this intelligence when I come to Carter Page.
    The United Kingdom in particular has a treasure trove of intelligence on Donald Trump. Before Nigel Farage – acting as a courier, sources say – went in to see Julian Assange, Donald Trump called his phone (the previous night). British intelligence taped that conversation, sources say, as Farage was under surveillance, and have provided the resulting fresh evidence of treason to the USIC.
    Julian Assange’s conversations about Trump and with his couriers are all on tape. British intelligence and the NSA have been inside the Ecuadorean Embassy for some time. There is disbelief, sources report, in many conversations between the two closest intelligence partners in the world, America and Britain, at how stupid the Russians and Ecuadoreans have been to believe Julian Assange’s pitiable assertions that his communications were ever secure.
    Vladimir Putin
    Vladimir Putin, for the avoidance of doubt, was recorded by both British intelligence and private allied intelligence firms of more than one nation, directly ordering an attack on the United States election and on Hillary Clinton. This recording was given to the Washington Post, and they held it back out of respect for US intelligence, for which I applaud them.
    Donald Trump Jr
    Donald Trump Jr was directly taped by the French before the election, colluding treacherously with the Russians. As with all NATO allies who are not part of the Five Eyes agreement, there is no legal reason why they cannot directly tape Americans abroad. The FBI would need permission with a FISA warrant to listen to any such intelligence on U.S. persons.

    This report will be updated with a Part II tomorrow.
    EXCLUSIVE: Five Eyes sources: SIGINT from UK on Maria Putin in league with Prince and DeVos over Spectrum Server


    Jared Kushner
    Various hostile intelligence agencies have SIGINT on Kushner; the UK and US recorded him in the Russian Embassy when he was discussing his ‘back channel’ to Russia. The Russian Embassy to the United States in Washington D.C. is Russian sovereign territory. Although the UK is barred by the Five Eyes agreement from spying on US soil, the Russian Embassy is not US soil. Again I remind readers of my exclusive report that Sergei Kislyak’s phone was hot miked and was recording everybody it came into contact with.
    At least the UK and the USA have Prince on SIGINT. He was intimately connected with the Carolina Conspiracy and with the Alfa Bank and Spectrum Health servers. The ‘back channel’ to Russia is those servers. Prince was deeply involved with the Carolina Conspiracy.
    Betsy DeVos
    Is on SIGINT by the USA and UK in relation to the use of the Spectrum Health server. It is important to say here that Ms. De Vos herself is a Erik Prince
    suspect, according to my sources with links to the intelligence community.
    Maria Putin
    The daughter of Vladimir Putin. She heads an endocrinology charity. Michigan’s facility, where the Spectrum Health server was located, is an endocrinology center. I reported in my Nov 7th 2016 report on the two FISA warrants, which Naveed Jamali publicly tweeted he was a source for, that Putin’s own daughters were involved in the activities of the server.
    Oleg Deripaska
    As a Russian, Deripaska is on SIGINT with multiple foreign allies including the UK and France. Mr. Deripaska particularly hates Hillary Clinton, who denied his visa to America in 2009. I reported some of this SIGINT in my recent piece about Sheriff Clarke being taped in Russia with associates of Deripaska, ordered to attack Black Lives Matter. Mr. Deripaska runs many assets in the United States, in the media. He is on SIGINT over the Carolina Conspiracy, as are some of his associates who are American. He is on SIGINT over Putin’s daughters and the Alfa and Spectrum servers.
    Jack Posobiec
    Mr. Posobiec, sources with links to US intelligence report, is a Russian agent of influence who has been working with Rebel Media. He boasted of publishing the “Macron Leaks” that turned out to be fake. France’s DGSE, or CIA equivalent, hacked Rebel Media’s server in Canada. They discovered material relating to the Carolina Conspiracy that forced the Comey letter. They have all Mr. Posobiec’s communications with Erik Prince, Oleg Deripaska’s agents in the media in the USA, and Team Treason as well as Sputnik and various hackers.

  2. #2
    Council Member
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    Default when American Greatness gets their act together and counters point for point these articles then you might get my attention.....
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 07-01-2017 at 10:55 AM. Reason: brevity

  3. #3
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    Azor...we are getting awful close to what people in the military call "the tipping point" OR plain people call.."when the shoe drops".....

    Check the time stamp and date of this Holder tweet from very early this morning.......

    Eric Holder‏

    To the career men & women at DOJ/FBI: your actions and integrity will be unfairly questioned. Be prepared, be strong. Duty. Honor. Country.
    00:17 - 30. Juni 2017

    You and American Greatness are getting very close to seeing, reading and especially hearing the "truth"....and not from Fox News but from DoJ via SC Mueller and his prosecutor team.....

    I have had the chance to actually hear some portions of three tapes held by German IC.....there was and is still ongoing collusion.....

    And it confirms what the social media journalist alluded to in her two stories above .....

    Just sit back, grab some popcorn and a large coke, settle in and just will be extremely interesting what unfolds...

    AND it might cause people to seriously rethink their own personal core over populism or vice versa.... a lot of us sworn an oath to this country to defend it from enemies near and far and Trump and many around him seem to think those are just empty words...and MONEY rules over their world and the Russians played on that single theme...

    ANYONE who attempts to look far more closely at Russia and Trump gets attacked..notice that even some GOP people will have to answer for this when the dust settles....

    WHEN that dust settles I will post with document copies for you exactly how much this Congressman got from Russian via Cyprus and washed in UK and PR into the US....for his campaign....

    BTW...below is probably one of the best mish mash of FAKE elements to create the illusion of it being the "truth"....WHY is that??
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 06-30-2017 at 02:56 PM.

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