It seems that some at SWJ feel that the use by Russian info warfare is one discussion item BUT the use by the US President of the same tactics as the Russians and the intertwining of US al right ie white nationalist bots, and bot nets is not a discussion basis.....

The accusations of Russian collusion whole still being investigated and not commented on by FBI SC Mueller although there are now 140 FBI investigators and 16 top flight Federal prosecutors should say a lot more than it seems to say to many Americans.

BUT the threat and use of info warfare by Trump and his alt right supporters is just as dangerous as the use of Russian info warfare directed at the US.....

RMEMBER Russian info warfare is composed of two key cornerstones....

1. cyber warfare
2. info warfare

Here's an interesting thread - folks at /r/The_Donald discussing/helping one another with bot creation.…

NOTE...Trump twitter account "Followers" has increased 100,000 in under 24 hours...all automated bots created, paid for and managed not in the US....