Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post

NRA just released a new ad....that is part authoritarian, part incitement to violence, part call for a physical civil war against liberals.

BUT no apology is being issued for this alleged call to violence.....
EVEN the NRA has it's "Russian connections".......


From Russia with Love for the#NRA

It all started with a Russian mobster. Now the gun lobby is buddy-buddy with Moscow and attacking anyone who dares question the Trump-Putin nexus.

David Keene in 2011. Keene, the former ACU chair, is arguably the most powerful and politically influential president the NRA has ever#hard.
The National Rifle Association’s relationship with Russia dates back to 2011, when conservative Nashville lawyer G. Kline Preston IV introduced then-NRA President (and former American Conservative Union chair) David Keene to#
Alexander Torshin, a senator in Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party. Torshin was also known to have ties to the Federal Security Service (FSB), the Russian intelligence agency formerly known as the KGB. Preston is an expert on Russian law whose has a white porcelain bust of Putin in his office.
In 2012, Preston invited Torshin to observe voting in Nashville, Tennessee during the presidential election. Both men claimed that they saw violations of U.S. law — while holding that Russian elections, in contrast, are free and fair.