Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
It is not just Russian we are having problems with now it seems Americans are totally loose cannons wherever they are seen......

WHAT the heck....??

ABC News‏
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#@ABC 13h

Auschwitz Memorial condemns Rep. Clay Higgins for filming homeland security video inside gas chamber at death camp: "It's not a stage"

NOW this same Congressman is apologizing for his video efforts....SO what the heck was he thinking in attempting to tie the Holocaust under Nazi's to the Muslim immigrant issue???


Forgot...he was just parroting Trump and the entire alt right ie white nationalist movement....which is very strong in LA BTW....

SEEMS others fully understood what this LA Congressman fully meant with his video.....EVEN if he ignores it himself in his apology.....

WHY does it take Europeans to educate US Congressmen.....in of all things history????

"As a site for reflection, one that often evokes deep personal pain for survivors and their families, Auschwitz should never be politicized or used as a platform for giving personal views," ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement to NBC News.

"The museum at Auschwitz-Birkenau lies on sacred ground. It is a burial site and a memorial to the estimated 1.1 million prisoners who were exterminated or tortured inside the camp's walls. It is a permanent testament to the brutality of the Nazi regime, and a reminder of why the world should never turn away when forces of hatred and prejudice lead to genocide," Greenblatt added.
HINT...look at what you the US are currently doing...sometimes looking at your reflection in a mirror is extremely helpful....