Sounds like this guy was bounced from the Corps not long after he started.

A Northern California man was arrested this week and accused of planning an ISIS-inspired Christmas Day suicide attack on Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco.
In an 11-page affidavit filed in federal court in Fresno Friday, FBI special agent Christopher McKinney alleged that Jameson espoused "radical jihadi beliefs" on social media. According to the agent, Jameson "liked" and "loved" ISIS-related social media posts, including one that threatened a Christmas attack in New York City.
Jameson also allegedly expressed support for Sayfullo Saipov, an Uzbek immigrant who drove a rented truck down a Lower Manhattan bike path on Halloween, killing eight people and injuring 11 others.
"I'm glad to know we Muslims are finally hitting back," Jameson wrote to an FBI informant he was communicating with. "The Kuffar deserve everything and more for the lives they have taken," he added, using an Arabic term meaning "non-believer."
Earlier this month, McKinney said an undercover FBI agent began communicating with Jameson and questioned how he might be able to help ISIS. Jameson allegedly responded, "I was a soldier in the Kuffar army before I reverted. I have been trained in combat and things of war. [God willing,] anything of that nature."
McKinney said Jameson attended Marine basic training "in or about" June 2009 and trained as a sharpshooter, but was later discharged for failing to disclose a history of asthma

Tow truck driver.