LNG Transport Ship Ob River (Dynagas LTD - Greece)

Gas tanker Ob River attempts first winter Arctic crossing, By Matt McGrath, 25 November 2012 Last updated at 19:35 ET, BBC News, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-20454757

A large tanker carrying liquified natural gas (LNG) is set to become the first ship of its type to sail across the Arctic.
Built in 2007 with a strengthened hull, the Ob River can carry up to 150,000 cubic metres of gas. The tanker was loaded with LNG at Hammerfest in the north of Norway on 7 November and set sail across the Barents Sea. It has been accompanied by a Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker for much of its voyage.
"Nineteen thousand ships went through the Suez canal last year; around 40 went through the northern sea route. There's a huge difference."