Quote Originally Posted by Ski View Post
Thomas Fleming's "The New Dealers War" is probably the best account I've read on opposition to FDR in this time period.
Speaking of Thomas Fleming, he also wrote a scathing book on Woodrow Wilson's administration in World War I called "The Illusion of Victory." I've seen him occasionally on BookTV on C-Span talking about the Revolutionary War times, but not yet on The New Deal or WWI book.

I started the WWI book a while back but only got a little ways into it before I got sidetracked. I'll pick it back up when I have more free time. I don't know that Mr. Fleming has written anything about Iraq yet, or not. The parallels with Iraq are so obvious (fighting in the name of planting democracy in foreign lands) that he might not be able to restrain himself. He REALLY dislikes Woodrow Wilson and his administration, that comes through loud and clear.

That title, "The Illusion of Victory" pretty much tells you where he's going with his examination of our role in WWI. An inability to consolidate tactical military success on the battlefield into a postwar political victory is not exactly a new thing in American history, Mr. Fleming would likely say.