Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
Starting to sound like the (slaughtered) Belgian Peace Keepers in Rwanda and the French in Goma...All over again

I somewhat agree that the African Peace Keepers have an edge, but as far as being more capable, that's been seen one too many times before. I can just barely imagine the Zairian troops holding back the former Rwandan Army in Goma amidst the --ahem-- chaos

Seems we haven't learned too much from more than a decade ago. It's that, or few have taken the time to read the countless reports!



I personally believe that the inaction by the world's powers have to do with not wanting to risk any negative affect on the global economy.

China has provided a substantial boom to the global economy and any slowdown due to higher price of oil as a result of a decrease in the oil market due to any sanctionson Sudan might create a panic in the markets. Just look at the reaction to periods of heightened tension between the US and Iran ... oil prices started soaring.

I think that the world leaders are pretty much trying to ignore it ... if it wasn't for those pesky human rights activists. Hell, the French oil firm Total signed a deal with Sudan exploration rights about a month ago.

To further complicate matters, Sudan has been home to the Muslim Brotherhood and other Salafi Islamic groups (same ideology as Al-Qeada) that have influenced the government and the populace for decades. Given that Sudan has been quietly co-operative with the US in hunting down radical Islamic militants, the US could either expand the GWOT to Sudan and Sudan is like another Pakistan.

I'm wondering what will happen when the 26,000 peacekeepers arrive in Darfur. Will the rebel groups in Darfur see it as an occupation ... will Jihadist groups plant IED's etc. to draw the West further into conflicts?