
This is opinion piece is deeply flawed. White supremacist commit on average less than 30 "murders" a year, which is certainly a security concern that I believe is being addressed by our law enforcement entities. Making it a mainstream topic of discuss in my view would risk making the problem worse. The government cracked down hard on these groups after the Oklahoma Federal Bombing, the most significant terrorist attack on the U.S. homeland prior to 9/11. It is still the most significant attack conducted by a U.S. citizen.

Shifting to left wing wing terrorist groups, in the U.S. much like Europe, they killed scores of people throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Today, we see a re-emergence of left wing violence. Most notably they are killing police officers in large numbers in recent years. ANTIFA and other left wing mobs have committed consider damage, and their activities seem to be increasing. Sadly, some U.S. politicians seem to back them with their rhetoric, such as our former President.

The greater threat posed to our nation isn't white supremacists and left wing extremists violence, it is the dumbing down of American society that they represent. Mainstream media, social media, and unqualified university professors promote these views by failing to encourage critical thinking. A democracy only works with an educated electorate willing to intellectually debate issues and seek comprise solutions. Extremists by definition reject compromise. Congress has an opportunity to demonstrate how to do this, but in fact have become part of the problem (both sides of the aisle).

The author believes voters will reject white supremacist candidates??? America has largely rejected these idiots over the last 50 years, so this is an attempt to paint all conservatives as supremacists to shape voter perceptions. It is dishonest and only further divides our people. The media did a poor job assessing how Americans would vote during the last election, and I see no indication their assessment, or more accurately their bias, has improved. However, there is good news. I'm pleasantly surprised that irresponsible social media and main stream media has not prompted more left and right wing extremist attacks in the U.S. Perhaps behind all the hyped noise most of us are relatively content? There isn't anything at this time worth killing or physically harming other Americans over, and the system can still work if we hold it accountable.