Quote Originally Posted by Ski View Post
I think the US military, specifically the ground forces, are in the midst of a very serious and trying cultural change...

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These two cultures are butting heads, especially as the wars in HOA, Iraq and the Ghan continue on. At the Boyd Conference, a retired Marine General had an interesting statement about the junior officers of today - he said that all they've seen since they've been commissioned is war, train for the next deployment, war. He isn't optimistic about officer retention if these wars continue at the current OPTEMPO.

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2. I'm not sold on the "better/cheaper" argument. I saw a retired 06, who was very competent, work in a Combined Staff in Afghanistan, and wondered why we couldn't put an 05 or even an 04 who would benefit from the experience? Are we diluting military talent by outsourcing these jobs, or does it even matter?

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Couldn't agree more about the change, cultural, technical and tactical. Hopefully, we will not swing the pendulum too far in the right direction...

I also agree with putting Majors or even Captains in jobs like the one you mention; the old guys do lend a lot of expertise but overseas, civilian employees should be rare and the training value of putting a grade or two or even three under in a job is great. Not to mention that sometimes -- mot od the time -- the 'inexperienced' will surprise you with better than school solutions...

Agree on the butting of heads and if we're lucky, Land War in Europe will die a long overdue death. Never been to Europe, sure have eaten a lot of rice. I do not agree with the Marine MG -- well, not totally. There will those who leave due to the OPTEMPO no question and that's okay, I think Some will not have wanted to but family pressure will drive them out anyway; regardless, some will leave.

A lot more though will say things like "When I redeployed from Afghanistan, I have had the misfortune to work for an 06 who treats Majors as if they are Specialists. Luckily this ends in six months but the last 16 months have been miserable to say the least. It's the love of the job that keeps me going, I realize we are, to quote Oh Brother Where Art Thou? "Damn, we're in a tight spot!" and I'm sticking around to help get us out of it." Yeah, they're out there, the system catches most but a few slip through. Fortunately, guys like you are tougher and smarter than they are, thank Mars!

Thanks to you, too.