Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
The V-shpaed vehicle design has been around since the 1970's, first in Rhodesia and then developed in South Africa. The only open source book I know is Peter Stiff's 'Taming the landmine', which is now somewhat dated and is easy to find on Google.

Why the later South Africa versions have not been purchased or licensed by the coalition eludes me.

Yes, they were originally designed for 'bush warfare' where land lines were the main threat, not IEDs in urban areas. Are the principles of design and threat not the same?

Australia has had the Bushmaster Infantry Mobility Vehicle (IMV) for a few years now. It is a locally made 'next generation' mine resistant vehicle for an Infantry Section. It is made by Thales, who bought ADI (Australian Defence Industries) a few years back. It is manufactured in Bendigo, Victoria. Here is the company's website:


It is an Aussie design , inspired by the Buffel and Kaspir. It can withstand a pretty decent blast directly under the hull, I will not specify it here as I am not sure that the quantity of blast it can resist is unclassified.

We are using them in Iraq and Afghanistan to good effect, I understand that the U.S.A. is buying a largish - quantity for a trial.