Like the other posts - you have passed the first hurdle. Having a current Special Background Investigation (SBI) on file may help to speed things up - I thought that maybe you had a SBI if you worked as a contractor for NSA. Single-scope or life-style poly is a plus also.

If the DIA process proves too long you might want to consider one of the Service Intel centers / activities as a foot in the door - Navy's NMIC is in Suitland, MD; USMC's MCIA is in Quantico, VA; Army's NGIC is in Charlottesville, VA; and the USAF’s NAIC is at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

When I was with MCIA years back I thought we were the recruitment / training guys for DIA and CIA as MCIA would send new analysts to Intel Community courses and training and then some would just ease on over to the bigger guys on the block. The reason I bring this up is you might like the Service Intel organizations better and if not, you are already established in the IC and the transfer to DIA is not that hard - CIA is a bit more time consuming.