
I rarely post here as this small wars neophyte typically views a visit to SWJ as akin to the Vatican or Temple Mount.

Still, I feel compelled to share my pain at this disservice to H.R. McMaster. It's inexplicable. I haven't sat on a promotion board, but I've seen no indication that McMaster didn't fully deserve a BZ selection to BG.

The article (Peter Principle)indicated that this is his second pass-over. IIRC, three strikes and he's out. Y'all have the best contacts in the biz. I'd sure appreciate if one of you could really shed some light on what's actually going down here.

In the meantime, I've e-mailed the Prez, DoD, and D.A., as well as calling my Senator (Gordon Smith) at his D.C. offices. Just now I'm damned ticked at this abysmal coterie of perfumed princes barring the door.