Quote Originally Posted by Nat Wilcox View Post
The current public political debate is very frustrating... Biden appears to me to be the only Democratic pres. candidate trying to think squarely and talk honestly about Iraq in a future-oriented and strategic way, thinking about the next ten years. The Republicans...I don't know. Do any of y'all see anything encouraging coming from any of the current candidates in either party...I mean in terms of placing Iraq consequences in a long-term perspective, and deriving long-term lessons?
Have you not been listening the current President or its Administration? If there is one thing they have been forthwith since the beginning about is the long term commitment that is needed. Biden is no Mecca to justice and fortitude. Biden's only enemy is the Republican Party. I agree that the current candidates have their heads up their butts. I listen to their debates and they make me want to throw up. I'd rather go to a high school debate contest to get a better picture of the future for our nation. The current candidates are pathetic and afraid. They all know they can't do the job so they look at issues that are easier and softer, which will loosen their own job performance. We will need a strong leader with a backbone in the next Administration. I have yet to see any prospects that qualify for the job.