I'm on one of the Darfur support lists and this just came ver it.

NBA Dream Team Rallies for Darfur
For immediate release - May 10, 2007
Contact: Jill Savitt, Dream for Darfur, (917)-941-3530, Jill.Savitt@dreamfordarfur.org
Steve Kauffman, for Ira Newble, (310) 456-5400, Ksmg4@aol.com

NBA “Dream Team of Conscience” Urges China to Protect the People of Darfur
Cleveland Cavalier Ira Newble Rallies Players to Stop the Genocide

Cleveland – May 10 – Cleveland Cavalier small forward Ira Newble announced today that 11 of his teammates have joined him in co-signing an open letter to the government of the People’s Republic of China, urging the Chinese government to take immediate action on the crisis in Darfur, in advance of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. Read the full text of the letter and signatures.

“I have been distraught about the crisis in Darfur, and especially with recent news that shows the situation has not improved – and more innocent people are continuing to die,” said Newble. “China is playing a major role in the crisis. The 2008 Beijing Olympics gives professional athletes the chance to speak out about the ideas of peace and brotherhood that the Olympics represent. I urge all athletes to ask China to do what it can to protect civilians in Darfur.” For information on China’s role in the Darfur crisis, see below.
