Fostering people with similar capabilities will require tearing down the Army and rebuilding it, says retired Army Maj. Donald Vandergriff, a vocal proponent of changing the leadership development program to create adaptive officers better suited for irregular warfare. He says the Army retains an Industrial Age development system, which is highly centralized and hierarchical and overly reliant on scripted training exercises that inculcate neither creativity nor innovation. "Young lieutenants call it the 'followership' course. They're told where to go, what to do, where to sign in [and] constantly lectured," Vandergriff says.
Unfortunately very true. Tom and I decided not to ride the party line, but that doesn't always follow with praise, even if you turn out right.

So, it's survival...which is exactly what we did. Not too shabby for a two-man team surrounded by nearly 800,000.

It's going to take a bit more time for the senior leadership in DC to listen to the conclusions of an NCO and Officer in the middle of nowhere, even if they happen to be knee-deep in Sierra.