“If it is up to me, we are going to explain that an attack on this homeland of that nature would be followed by an attack on the holy sites in Mecca and Medina,” Tancredo said. “That is the only thing I can think of that might deter somebody from doing what they would otherwise do. If I am wrong, fine, tell me, and I would be happy to do something else. But you had better find a deterrent, or you will find an attack.”
And, of course, no other power would ever think that this would be a really good way to take the US down? I won't ask if Tancredo has ever read Sun Tzu - from this quote I expect the reaction would be "done what with who?" - but, just maybe, he has one or two people on his campaign who might be capable of thinking? Would he suggest bombing the Vatican since the current pope is opposed to birth control and, obviously, spreading a vile anti-democratic message? Not only does it show "a complete disconnect with COIN, anti-terrorism, and international law" (thanks, LawVol), it also shows a capacity for thought on par with a two-year old in a sandbox.

You know, back in the 17th and 18th centuries, there used to be a school of thought called "degenerationism" that argued that humanity had fallen from a pristine state and was getting steadily worse. When I read something like this, I keep hoping that an Aristophanes will arise and yet all we get is Michael Moore. Maybe the degenerationists had a point...
