The problem with using 'the lingo' on the street/tactical level is it comes across as phony and affected and can have an adverse impact. These aren't common terms used every day to begin with and are subject to all kinds of interpretation and meaning by the common person. Infidels and islamic esoteria don't mix well and the same can be said of most cultures, like the wannabes wearing turquoise jewelry and Indian attire believing they will come across as hip and cool and in the know about Indian culture(s) and be more readily accepted. From my Peace Corps days I remember a couple of Black Americans who despite their good language skills and cultural awareness were always spotted as non-Africans when they wore local attire - the kids would hit on them for hand outs as fast as they would on Whites and more than one African told me they could always spot a Black American no matter they were wearing. Good info to have, these terms, but caution is needed in exploiting them.