Rather than continually bemoaning the existence of this long standing problem, a sound strategy would be one that recognises its likely continued existence, and develops accommodations and work arounds that ultimately minimise its impact.
Well said Mark.

I agree completely about matching strategy and operational art to reality versus desires, wishes, dreams, and fantasies.
Tom - spot on, there is something to framing and acknowledging the difference between a problem and a condition here I think. From top to bottom we seem to want to treat everything as a problem that must have an immediate and enduring solution - maybe its cultural.

What changes in our policy/strategy mix (and all those things they drive) when we start to view somethings as conditions? Its something that I keep coming back to no matter if we're discussing strategic patience or capabilities - they all seem to be connected.

It seems instead our tactics are often driving adjustments in our strategy & policy as what works on the ground is slowly translated up the food chain and then incorporated. It seems we could save allot of time and treasure by being more realistic up front.
Regards, Rob