Hi Armchairguy,

Quote Originally Posted by Armchairguy View Post
In the war of ideas the USA needs to gain back some credibility.
Totally agree. The problem, however, is that this relies on American politicians and, ultimately, on the American public standing up to those politicians and saying "a pox on both your parties". It also relies on promulgating a set of philosophical principles and then applying hem in action. You've got the first (the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence come to mind), but the second is sorely lacking in the political and bureaucratic spheres.

Quote Originally Posted by Armchairguy View Post
On a slightly different tack, why aren't the wizards of computer warfare inside the military actively attacking jihadist web sites and media outlets? If an ISP gets in the way..tough luck. They should turf the Jihadists on their own or they have shown themselves to be part of the problem.
Two reasons. First, they are very useful for monitoring IO trends and tracking interest levels. Second, not all of he ISPs are in the US and an attack on an ISP could be considered an act of war.

As for showing themselves to be part of the problem, this isn't quite true. The offer by MEMRI is an attempt to help the ISPs identify sites that are problematic, something that many ISPs have a great deal of difficulty with.
