I read one post and think, "He's got a good point". Then I read a point counter to the first and say the same thing. This site is excellent. As a civilian with absolutely no credentials other than as someone who played wargames with his brother for 20 years and gobbled up books on warfare, I find it pretty neat to be able to learn from and talk with people who know their stuff.

It would be great if we had some generals in here as well. From what I've seen this would be a great way for them to get some good ideas, to get the pulse of their subordinates, and to get into some lively discussion without the (I expect) usual bull. If there aren't any standing generals around maybe we could convince some retired ones to join in.

Somewhat earlier in the discussion there was a lot said about improving education for officers. I think it would be equally useful to give the enlisted ranks a chance at languages and other courses. One thing that has come up in science articles as a way to keep peoples minds flexible is to keep them using their minds in a variety of ways (use it or lose it). This might even have the benefit of making the armed forces a more attractive career choice. That together with more pay (did I hear a cheer?) would attract more people who would otherwise turn to the private sector. Another benefit might be to have a larger number of officer candidates coming out of the ranks.

Anyway, I'm kind of meandering now, so I'll quit.