I meant that we should take "our" infrastructure and place it onto the local power grid. To my knowledge we do not produce electricity for the general populace, "our" power mainly derives from portable powers sources. Generally huge GE travel trailers and contractors that we pay like rock stars to operate them provide electricity to our bases. While most Iraqis live with less that 6-8 hours of power a day, we run 24/7. Obviously, I am not suggesting we assume operational risk by shutting down our TOC’s and turning off our radios immediately. However leaving local governance to solve the problem has resulted in the article tequila has posted. If we make an earnest move to operate off of the local power grid, it would spur us to tackle the associated security issues along with the host nation forces. Leaving this to be solved by the current Iraqi government alone is the right answer. However its not getting better its getting worse. IMO American ingenuity will take over and find a way to get it straight, and by the way it would go a long way to help the target audience the Iraqi people.
